全息师 Holosmith - Explosive Sword

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使用场合:征服模式 PvP Conquest


概述 Overview

A Holosmith PvP build with great damage, pulling its weight anywhere from duels to teamfights.

Archival note: fell out of favor after Tools buffs

技能 Skill Bar


Skill Bar Variants


模板代码 Template Code


特性 Specializations

变体 Variants
  • offers more damage at the expense of sustain.
  • is better for burst damage, but not necessarily for sustain as the CC from often ends up cancelling out more damage than what Big Boomer could heal for.

装备 Equipment


使用说明 Usage

Elite specialization basics

  • Holosmith grants access to the Photon Forge (sometimes referred to as holo mode) and introduces a new resource: heat。 Heat is generated passively while the forge is active and also by activating forge skills. Higher CD skills generate more heat.
  • Reaching maximum heat (150) should be avoided as Overheating damages you and locks you out of the forge until heat goes back to 0.
  • is used to activate the forge, after which your weapon skills will be replaced by 5 new ones. You can't exit the forge for at least 6 seconds, so be careful about reentering with high heat levels. Try not to reenter it above ~50-70 heat else you may risk overheating.
  • Both Engage Photon Forge and Disengage Photon Forge count as toolbelt skills and will work with related traits. Both skills can proc weapon swap sigils too.
  • If absolutely necessary you can abort Photon Forge by using to stop the heat from getting higher. Note that Elixir S won't help if you use it *after* overheating, as the damage bypasses even the invulnerability frame.

Forge skills

  • Although the auto attack chain got significant nerfs in 3 月 2018, it can still do considerable cleave damage especially with Quickness Quickness
  • should be used on CD most of the time as this is an incredibly loaded skill with a very short CD. This skill provides mobility/cleansing via ,does decent damage, and even functions as a Leap Finisher (although the default build doesn't really have combo fields, variants or your allies may do)。
  • tends to be the first skill Holosmiths use in combat right after entering holo mode. This is a two-parter that also stacks Might Might。 The second strike goes off after a delay, making it ideal to combo with other skills for burst damage. Try to squeeze in 2 Corona Bursts before exiting the form.
  • can be useful for reaching targets trying to escape, otherwise it should only be used if you can make sure that all of its projectiles are going to land (for example if the target is CC'd)。
  • is an excellent AoE CC and also a Blast Finisher. You can also fake cast it by stowing your weapon right after activation in order to bait enemy dodges.


  • The build has rather poor access to condition removal, limited only to a few holo traits. When you're under heavy condition pressure always try to get a in before leaving the forge, increasing the chance of removing damaging conditions with
  • Against condition burst 's immunity can bail you out.
  • has both defensive and offensive uses. You could either hold on to it to break out of stuns, or burst targets with Quickness Quickness
  • is the go-to panic button in the build, making you immortal for the time being (well, except for fall damage)。 Beside just avoiding cerain death, this elixir's also useful for stomping enemies or reviving allies without any risk of interrupts.
    • is the only source of Stealth Stealth in the build, and it's AoE. There are plenty of situations where stealth can be a powerful thing to have. These include hiding allies who are being stomped thus saving them, removing pressure from yourself by turning invisible, or concealing your movement before an engagement to catch enemies off-guard.
  • If taken is a bit RNG but both forms are fairly versatile. Whether you need to get away from a fight, have to interrupt something, or want to do some extra damage, you can't go wrong with this skill (although Rampage has far better damage, even after the nerfs):
    • is fairly simple, you want to use skill 5 and skill 4 right away. If all you want to do is a quick interrupt or a decap you may consider exiting the form after just these two skills (even in the middle of Dust Charge in order to stay on the node)。 You could also just keep going and toss enemies around, taking pressure off of your team. The first 3 skills are used to adapt Tornado to the given situation - you can choose between doing damage, mitigating damage via Blind Blind,and hard-CC.
    • can do some massive damage through the auto chain and 。 Dash is also great for mobility in general. All the other skills on the set are strong CC effects with next to no damage.
    • is a popular opener in Rampage, allowing you to CC targets from range and then either follow up with :burst damage or to keep the CC chain rolling.
  • is generally used as a CC skill to set up burst. One of the turrets also drop a smoke field which you could use with leap/blast finishers to disengage if you're getting low.


  • The more heat you have, the more damage you do thanks to
  • is the best burst skill in the build and should be used while your heat is high. Being a toolbelt skill, this can be used while the forge is active. Using it in melee range is optimal as it reduces counterplay (opponent won't have time to react to the projectiles)。
  • After every dodge roll you gain which adds a decent damage proc to your next attack.
  • While the forge is cooling down focus on spamming skills as filler.
  • Right after exiting the forge follow up with while your heat is still high, preferably in this order (Radiant Arc is a leap which makes it easier to land Refraction Cutter in melee range which increases the chance of landing all projectiles on one target)。
  • Once your heat is back at a reasonably low level enter holo mode and spam those skills, that's really all there is to it.


  • Keep spamming while moving between capture points, but don't overheat.
  • If you're not going to need your healing skill in the immediate future you could sacrifice it for some Swiftness Swiftness while the forge is cooling down.

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