Cairn Raid Guide

Cairn floating in the middle of the arena.

are required to reach the platform.

不屈的凯玲 has no 蔑视条 or phases.

There is no tank needed, but he does aggro to the person who is furthest away. He mostly remains in the middle and only rotates.

Projectile reflections should not be used at any point during the fight.

Starting the Fight

When you enter, Glenna is standing directly ahead. You can either speak to her for a regular start to the fight or wait and do a platform start instead. Continue forward down the path and pass through the waterfall. At the bottom of the hill is a cliff with a platform across the way.

If no one spoke to Glenna, the group can go down onto the platform without starting the fight. After the ready check, someone can /gg and go back to talk to her. They have enough time to run ahead and join the group on the platform before the fight starts. This gives an opportunity to precast skills before 不屈的凯玲 spawns.

If the group did speak to Glenna, then 不屈的凯玲 ,a massive Jade Construct, will be ahead of you on the platform. Landing on the platform will begin the fight.


Unless doing (Greens), the group should always stand inside of the runic circle in the middle of the platform. Turn up Shaders if you can’t see it. Standing outside of it causes players to be by [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] auto attack. It also makes it easier to distribute boons and heal the group.

The group stacks on the line of the rune on the North side of the platform and the players with (Agony/Red) stand on the other 3 lines.


Projectile destruction skills are fine, projectile reflects will reflect into your team

Common offenders include:

  • 游侠
  • (third attack in staff auto attack chain) for [sc:553]Daredevil[/sc].
  • 天界 Celestial Dash - “Special Action Key/Dash”

    When you pass through the waterfall on the path to the boss arena, you gain ,a Special Action Key ability. Make sure your Special Action Key is bound to something easy to use.

    (SAK/Dash), is a dash skill with an 闪避 and a of 1,200. It also has a very short 冷却 ,so use it as much as you need during the fight.

    Unseen Burden - “Stacks”

    Every second you gain 1 stack of a debuff called (Stacks)。 Each stack of this debuff decreases your movement speed by 1%, up to 99%. This does not affect your 翻滚 ,so you can still move by using those. These stacks can also be cleared by doing the mechanic (Greens)。

    Shared Agony - “Agony/Red”

    40 seconds into the fight after the second (Green), the furthest player from 不屈的凯玲 gets (Agony/Red), a large AoE with a red border that tracks with you. It lasts for 1 minute. This mechanic repeats every 20 seconds until there are 3 players at a time who have

    The players with the AoE are damaged for 10% of their maximum health every 3 seconds. Other players who stand in the AoE take massive amounts of damage depending how far they are from the player with (closest 25% max health, middle 50%, furthest 75%, everyone else 0%)。

    Some groups have healers or others with good sustain assigned to bait 。 Some groups opt to not assign it and let whoever gets it deal with it. The stack should be on the North side of the platform on the line of the runic circle in the middle. Turn up Shaders if you cannot see the rune. The players with should go to the other 3 lines on the rune so they do not overlap each other or the stack.

    Displacement - “Teles/Ports”

    An astral AoE with a red-orange border.

    Every four seconds, three small orange circles appear close to [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] hitbox. Players standing in these after 2 seconds will be teleported to a random spot on the platform.

    They can be stepped out of, [sc:366]Evaded[/sc], or blocked. If you are standing in one, you have a yellow screen border. If you are teleported, use (SAK/Dash) to quickly return to the stack, or one of the 3 open spots if you have

    Auto Attacks (Impact & Meteor Swarm)

    Spike-shaped red projectiles moving across the platform.

    [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] auto attack targets the furthest player and consists of

    - 不屈的凯玲 swings his right arm then left arm.

    - 不屈的凯玲 swings his right arm and throws a fan of projectiles that ,damage, and give the player some stacks of (Stacks)。 If you are within the rune in the center of the platform, the projectiles do not hit you unless they are reflected.

    Groups used to assign a kiter to keep the shards on the opposite side of the group, but they now avoid the attack by never leaving the rune.

    Attack Pattern

    [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] opener:

  • (Auto)
  • (1 Green on North side of 不屈的凯玲 )
  • (Auto) x 6
  • At 75%, 50%, and 25%, 不屈的凯玲 restarts his loop. Groups with high DPS will never see some of these attacks.

    [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] loop:

  • (Green Minimum Players pattern)
  • (Auto) x 1-4
  • (Dash)
  • (Green pattern)
  • (Auto) x 1-4
  • (Sword)
  • (Green pattern)
  • (Auto) x 1-4
  • Repeat
  • After 25%, 不屈的凯玲 adds after 。 He then does 1-4 auto attacks and repeats the loop from the top.

    Spatial Manipulation - “Greens”

    Every 1-4 auto attacks, 不屈的凯玲 does (Greens) and spawns green circles around the arena.

    If you are not standing within a valid circle within 3 or 6 seconds (depending on the attack), you take damage, are floated, and gain 25 stacks of (Stacks)。 If you successfully stand in a circle, you cleanse 25 stacks of

    Almost every group uses a “no greens'' strategy. It is achieved by granting 稳固 to your squad, usually from a bringing 。 You can ignore the and continue attacking the boss because you aren’t floated. You still take damage and gain stacks of ,so healing must be adequate and the squad must be comfortable with their lowered mobility.

    Unless someone specifies that it is a “heart run” (Envoy Armor II collection achievement for legendary armor), assume that the group will not be doing Greens. If no one pings or another source of 稳固 ,ask if there will be 稳固 to skip Greens.

    The following recommendations for how to handle the Greens are only relevant if your group will actually be doing them.

    Minimum Players (Green Pattern 1)

    不屈的凯玲 hunkers down while circles appear around the platform. 6 seconds later, he explodes out.

    Green and blue AoE with white orbs floating above them labeled Player Indicator.

    The circles in this pattern are three different sizes with white glowing orbs above. The number of orbs is the minimum number of people required to be inside the circle for it to give protection from 。 If there are no glowing orbs, any number of people is fine.

    These numbers are per individual circle; there is no need for all of the numbered circles to have players within them. Aim to be in medium circles with other players unless you have ,in which case you should go to a small circle alone.

  • One orb for small circles.
  • Two orbs for medium circles.
  • Four orbs for large circles.
  • Energy Surge (Green Pattern 2)

    不屈的凯玲 teleports around the arena, leaving behind circles as he goes, in an attack called 。 Wait until he returns to the center before going to a circle yourself, as being hit by him causes a 。 When he returns, he will hunker down and explode out 3 seconds later.

    The circles in this pattern are all medium and they can have any number of people in them. Above 50%, the final circle will always be directly under him in the center of the arena.

    Orbital Sweep (Green Pattern 3)

    不屈的凯玲 stops, slams his arm onto the arena, and spins counterclockwise, this is called 。 Being hit by this will knock players backwards and do damage. After he stands back up, he will hunker down and explode out 3 seconds later.

    The circles are all large and can have any number of players. Note that the activation for these is quicker than the other variants, so players must reach them quickly.

    Gravity Wave

    The final of [sc:249]Cairn's[/sc] attacks is a that he will begin to use below 25% of his health. Players in the center of the arena will be unaffected, but those further out have to contend with three shockwaves that ripple out from the middle of the arena, causing a large and minor damage if they are hit. To deal with this, either stay in the center or roll inwards upon seeing the wave begin.



    (Auto), (1 Green on North side of 不屈的凯玲 ),

    (Auto) x 6

    Common Names opener:

    Auto, Green on North side, Auto x6

    At 75%, 50%, and 25%, 不屈的凯玲 restarts his loop.

    Attack pattern:

    (Green Minimum Players pattern),

    (Auto) x 1-4, (Dash), (Green pattern),

    (Auto) x 1-4, (Sword), (Green pattern),

    (Auto) x 1-4, repeat.

    Common Names pattern:

    Green Minimum Players, Auto x 1-4, Dash, Green , Auto x 1-4, Sword, Green , Auto x 1-4, repeat.

    After 25%, 不屈的凯玲 adds after 。 He then does 1-4 auto attacks and repeats the loop from the top.

    Common Mistakes/Tips

  • Use (SAK/Dash) if you need mobility at any time during the fight.
  • Get out of the group as soon as you get (Agony/Red)。
  • If your group is doing greens, head to small or medium circles. If you have (Agony/Red), you should try to be alone.
  • Wait 直到 不屈的凯玲 returns to the center of the arena after (Dash) to avoid being
  • When 不屈的凯玲 is spinning, 翻滚 either towards him or to the left.
  • Watch your feet and your screen border when close to 不屈的凯玲 。 If you are standing in orange or see yellow edges, move out immediately.
  • Do not use reflects.
  • Common Names for Mechanics

  • = Greens
  • = Teleports / Teles
  • = Dash
  • = Sword
  • = Agony / Red